Sunday, May 25, 2008

The Campaign Trail

Well as some of you might know our candidate is hot on the campaign trail. He will be appearing at some local gas stations and random stops on his way to Florida. If you do see him make sure to stop and give your support for him. We need to spread the wise words of Dave. Even if it means stopping him in the men's restroom. He will stop in mid stream to shake everyone's hand and kiss babies on the forehead. These are just some of the things he is willing to do in order to have your support. We must remember that we need to keep up the spirit of Dave as we enter the week without him. I know that some will cry, Talley, but he is here. So wipe away those tears and put on a friendly smile. So as we enter the next week without him lets keep up the hard work and press on. Thank you everyone for your blood, sweat and many tears. Until we meet again, CB signing out.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Our Campaign Slogan

After much debating, laughing, crying and finding ourselves we came up with our Campaign Slogan. Now ladies and gentleman please be prepared for life changing words. Before I tell you what it is please note that many lives were taken to insure the quaility of it. Without further ado the words that even Chuck Norris approves of.....

"Buy yourself a hat and get ready to hold the f*ck on to it."

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Media/Press Secretary

I interviewed Dave today so the public can form their own opinion on him. Dave wanted to let the public know that he is for the working man and against big businesses and big Oil companies. Also his stance on gay marriage is, "Get along or get along." He also feels that Stem cell research, "Ain't hurting nothing! God forbid we cure some stuff." Feel free to tat, burn, pierce, etc. your body as you please while he will be in office. The last big topic of the day is the current war. Dave believes we should, " Get out and get on. We have done enough over seas time to focus more on are own affairs here in the USA."

Now that you have heard what Dave has to say you to can form your opinion.

Campaign slogan: My name is Dave and I want to be your president. Can you dig it!


Dave's Vice President

As Dave's Vice President I will uphold the values and traditions set forth by the great Dave. Just remember these words by the great Dave "You can take the girl out of the trailer park but you cannot take the trailer park out of the girl." Until we speak again I look forward to hearing from each and everyone of you. Thank you for all of your support. CB

My name is Dave

I want to be President. I will follow the example of Phil Moore and lead this country against the evils of the world and kick butt while I am doing it. Sweeeettt!!!!

My name is Dave and I want to be your President, dig it.